Adolf Hitler’s actions, particularly those leading to and during World War II and the Holocaust, cannot be justified by any ethical or moral standards. Here’s why: Crimes Against Humanity Ideological Basis Ethical and Moral Considerations Legal Judgments Conclusion Adolf Hitler’s... Read more

As it was always said, the best place to hid something is right in front of your eyes. The name openly has it, the name Nazi, pointing to the most Anti Semitic biblical history of Ashkenaz, the son of Japheth.... Read more

Accoding to popular history, Adolf Hitler was not an Ashkenazi Jew. Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party and dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945, was born in Austria to parents of predominantly Austrian and German descent. He was... Read more

The origins of the Ashkenazi Jews, a Jewish diaspora population associated primarily with Central and Eastern Europe, are multifaceted and trace back to both biblical and historical sources. It is greatly speculated that the Ashkenazi Jews could be the original... Read more