The Bible has long foretold a time when the world would unite under a single global government ruled by the Anti-Christ, as described in Revelation 13. This Beast government is characterized by tyranny, control, and persecution of believers in Jesus Christ. Today, as prophecies align with current events, it is becoming evident that Christian values are being systematically demonized, particularly in the United States, where political figures backed by members of the so-called “Deep State” are laying the groundwork for such a system.
Christian Values Under Attack

Christian principles like the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and moral absolutes are being labeled as intolerant or hateful by political elites. Conservative Christian beliefs, deeply rooted in the Bible, are framed as obstacles to the progressive agenda of global governance. This is not surprising, as Jesus warned in Matthew 24:9-10:
“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other.”
This systematic opposition to Christianity is part of a larger, coordinated effort by secret organizations within the Deep State to erode national sovereignty and promote a global government. Such a government would ultimately fulfill the prophecy of the Beast, as described in Revelation.

The Deep State and the Global Government Agenda
The term “Deep State” refers to a network of unelected, influential individuals and entities operating behind the scenes to manipulate political outcomes. These groups aim to dismantle Christian influence and pave the way for a one-world government. For example:
- Suppression of National Sovereignty: Global institutions like the United Nations and the World Economic Forum are promoting policies that undermine the independence of nations, pushing for a unified system of governance.
- Persecution of Faith: Christian organizations are increasingly monitored, with believers often labeled as extremists or even domestic terrorists for adhering to biblical truth.
- Control Through Technology: The rise of artificial intelligence, digital currency, and surveillance technologies aligns with the prophecy of Revelation 13:16-17, where the Beast forces all people to receive a mark to buy or sell.
This agenda is not only political but deeply spiritual. It aligns with the biblical prophecy that the Anti-Christ will establish a system to persecute those who follow Jesus Christ.
The QAnon Phenomenon and Its Misuse

The term “QAnon” has been weaponized to demonize Christian conservatives. Originating from cryptic online posts by an anonymous figure known as “Q,” the QAnon narrative intertwines genuine Christian end-time beliefs with unverifiable claims about a secret insider exposing global conspiracies. While some aspects align with biblical warnings about the Deep State and global governance, the movement has been portrayed as irrational, fostering mistrust toward genuine Christian eschatology.
The media and political elites have equated QAnon believers with domestic terrorists, creating a convenient pretext for persecuting Christians. This tactic could be a precursor to larger-scale suppression of faith, as warned in Matthew 24. By conflating Christian eschatological beliefs with conspiracy theories, the Beast system is laying the groundwork for criminalizing biblical truth.
Prophecies and the Return of Christ
The Bible assures Christians that Jesus Christ will return to judge the living and the dead, raising believers to reign with Him for 1,000 years. Revelation 20:4 describes this millennial reign:
“They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.”
This divine promise stands in direct opposition to the ambitions of the Beast government. As Christians face increasing hostility, we are reminded that our ultimate hope lies not in earthly governments but in the return of Christ.
Freedom: A God-Given and Constitutional Right
God created humanity to live in freedom. As Galatians 5:1 declares, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” This divine principle aligns with the foundations of the United States. The Declaration of Independence affirms that humans are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees religious freedom, and the Tenth Amendment reserves powers to the people and the states, safeguarding against centralization.
However, as globalist agendas advance, these freedoms are at risk. What begins in America will inevitably spread worldwide, as the Deep State consolidates power under the guise of progress and peace.

The Call to Stand Firm
The evolving global system, supported by the Deep State, is a modern manifestation of the Beast government prophesied in the Bible. Christians must remain vigilant, standing firm in faith even as persecution intensifies. While the world may mock and marginalize us, the promise of Christ’s return provides eternal hope.
As we witness the fulfillment of end-time prophecies, we are reminded that the battle is ultimately spiritual. Christians must advocate for truth, resist the forces of tyranny, and share the Gospel, for the light of Christ will ultimately overcome the darkness of the Beast system.