Accoding to popular history, Adolf Hitler was not an Ashkenazi Jew. Hitler, the leader of the Nazi Party and dictator of Germany from 1933 to 1945, was born in Austria to parents of predominantly Austrian and German descent. He was raised as a Roman Catholic but later became known for his vehement anti-Semitic and racist ideologies.
The notion that Hitler might have been of Jewish descent has been a subject of speculation and conspiracy theories, but there is no credible historical evidence to support this claim. Hitler’s policies and actions during his rule, particularly the genocide of six million Jews during the Holocaust, were driven by a deeply entrenched anti-Semitic ideology that sought to eliminate Jewish influence from Europe.
The fact that he came up with the name “Nazi” for his political party, and that the Biblical Ashkenazis were settled in Germany and that Hitler had the fierce rage to annihilate the Jews (Semites) all point to one fact, could he have been an Ashkenazi? Remember the old saying: If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck!