Why Hitler named his party as Nazi

As it was always said, the best place to hid something is right in front of your eyes. The name openly has it, the name Nazi, pointing to the most Anti Semitic biblical history of Ashkenaz, the son of Japheth. But for once let’s pretend we’re little children, have lolly pops in our hands and see what the official narrative has to say:

Etymology: The term “Nazi” is an abbreviation of “Nationalsozialist,” which is derived from the German word “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei” (National Socialist German Workers’ Party, NSDAP). The term “Nazi” became widely used in the 1920s to refer to members of this political party.

There you have it! Hitler named his party taking two letter here and two letters there to have a most evil name in history, clearly recorded in Bible, the name “Nazi”, who were blood thirsty for the Shemites. Make your own conclusions.

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